Telephone: (705) 232-6391
Fax: (705) 232-4223
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Public Works / Water Works
After Hours Emergency Service
Your issue will be assessed by the On-Call Answering Service, and you information will be passed along to the appropriate personnel.
You may report road issues such as pot holes, washouts, fallen trees, missing catch basin lids, water ponding on roads, etc. This is a 24/7 service. Urgent matters will be investigated promptly, while others will be addressed the next working day. Emails may also be sent to for less urgent concerns.
The Answering Service will require detailed information in order to properly relay the situations to the appropriate personnel.
The Iroquois Falls Public Works Department is responsible for the maintenance of our municipal roads, such as snow removal, street sanding, sidewalk and curb repair, and more.
Please view By-Law No. 3418/16 for more information on the Public Works - Road Division Level of Service Policy.
Please view By-Law No. 3429/17 for the amended sidewalk winter maintenance route.
Contact Information
Contact Us
Town of Iroquois Falls
253 Main Street
PO Box 230
Iroquois Falls, Ontario
P0K 1G0
Phone: 705-232-5700
Fax: 705-232-4241
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