Lottery Licences
About Lottery Licences
Lottery licences may be obtained from the Town of Iroquois Falls for prizes up to $50,000. Any prizes exceeding $50,000 must be obtained from theĀ Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario.
It may take up to 10 business days to process your application and issue your licence. To ensure your application is processed as quickly as possible, please submit all required information including:
- Completed application form
- Sample of lottery ticket (if applicable)
- All required signatures
- Contact information (including name, e-mail or phone) to ensure quick licence pick-up
- Required documentation for new organizations to determine lottery licensing eligibility
Lottery Licence Fees
3% of total prize value, payable to the Town of Iroquois Falls upon pick-up of the licence.
Required documentation to determine lottery licensing eligibility
- Letter of incorporation (if applicable);
- Constitution and/or By-Laws, including mandate;
- Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) Charitable Number (if applicable) - copy of the complete document;
- Copy of last completed T3010 form submitted to CRA (if registered with CRA);
- Budget covering the current twelve (12) month fiscal or calendar year, detailing how resources will be acquired and disbursed during this period;
- Preceding year's financial statements;
- List of Board of Directors, including address, phone number and title.
Qualifying for a Lottery Licence
A registered charitable, non-profit or religious organization may conduct a lottery scheme to raise funds if they have a demonstrated charitable or religious mandate to qualify. "Charitable" refers to organizations which provide programs for:
- Relief of poverty
- Advancement of education
- Advancement of religion
- Other charitable purposes beneficial to the community
The following pre-requisites are mandatory to be considered eligible for a lottery licence in the Town of Iroquois Falls:
- Organizations must have been in existence for at least one (1) year before applying for a lottery licence
- The proceeds raised from the lottery will benefit the residents of the Town of Iroquois Falls
The primary purposes of an organization are determined by considering:
- The mandate of the organization as set out in its incorporation documents stating the organization's objectives
- The objects of the organization as described in the licence application
- The services which have actually been provided by the organization to the community
Types of organizations which are not considered charitable by the Province of Ontario for lottery licensing purposes are:
- Social clubs
- Adult hobby groups
- Adult sports teams
- Professional associations, unions, employee groups
- Government ministries, agents or bodies
- Political lobby groups
- Political parties
- Elected representative groups including municipal, regional, provincial and federal governments
- Private sports clubs (e.g. golf, curling)
Contact Us
Town of Iroquois Falls
253 Main Street
PO Box 230
Iroquois Falls, Ontario
P0K 1G0
Phone: 705-232-5700
Fax: 705-232-4241
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