Located in Monteith.
Parks and Play Fields
Iroquois Falls has numerous parks and fields to discover!
Located on the corner of Cambridge Avenue and Windigo Street.
Located next to the Porquis Hall in Porquis Junction.
Also known as the hidden park, as it is hidden just off of Demaricourt Street.
Located on the corner of Leroux Avenue and Montrock Street.
Located on the corner of Veterans Drive and Cambridge Avenue.
Located across from the Anson General Hospital on Anson Drive.
Located behind the Pool Complex just off of Synagogue Avenue.
Located behind the Sports Complex, behind the ball diamond off of Synagogue Avenue.
Located behind Earl Porter Lanes off of Synagogue Avenue.
Contact Us
Town of Iroquois Falls
253 Main Street
PO Box 230
Iroquois Falls, Ontario
P0K 1G0
Phone: 705-232-5700
Fax: 705-232-4241
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